I figured out the 'j' after 'd' issue. It's due to the normalize special character function starting on line 1861.
PHP Code:
function normalize_str($str)
$invalid = array('?'=>'S', '?'=>'s', '?'=>'Dj', 'd'=>'dj', '?'=>'Z', '?'=>'z',
'C'=>'C', 'c'=>'c', 'C'=>'C', 'c'=>'c', '?'=>'A', '?'=>'A', '?'=>'A', '√'=>'A',
'?'=>'A', '≈'=>'A', '∆'=>'A', '?'=>'C', '?'=>'E', '?'=>'E', '+'=>'E', '?'=>'E',
'?'=>'I', '?'=>'I', '?'=>'I', '?'=>'I', '?'=>'N', '?'=>'O', '?'=>'O', '?'=>'O',
'?'=>'O', '?'=>'O', '?'=>'O', '?'=>'U', '⁄'=>'U', '?'=>'U', '?'=>'U', '?'=>'Y',
'fi'=>'B', 'fl'=>'Ss', '?'=>'a', '?'=>'a', '?'=>'a', '?'=>'a', '?'=>'a', '?'=>'a',
'?'=>'a', '?'=>'c', '?'=>'e', '?'=>'e', '?'=>'e', '?'=>'e', '?'=>'i', '?'=>'i',
'?'=>'i', '?'=>'i', ''=>'o', '?'=>'n', '?'=>'o', '?'=>'o', '?'=>'o', 'ı'=>'o',
'?'=>'o', '?'=>'o', '˘'=>'u', '˙'=>'u', '˚'=>'u', '˝'=>'y', '˝'=>'y', '˛'=>'b',
'ˇ'=>'y', 'R'=>'R', 'r'=>'r', "`" => "'", "?" => "'", "?" => ",", "`" => "'",
"?" => "'", "?" => "\"", "?" => "\"", "?" => "'", "â??" => "'", "{" => "",
"~" => "", "?" => "-", "?" => "'");
$str = str_replace(array_keys($invalid), array_values($invalid), $str);
return $str;
You can see that the first line within the array calls for replacing d with dj. I fixed it by just getting rid of it.
Still doesn't work well with vBActivity but no a big deal. I'll just shut off vBActivity when I do the mass upload.
Thanks for trying to help me through it. Now, only if you could do that hard part for me and build out that Wants/Gots function