Todays email from Tapatalk since they do not keep this updated here:
Dear vBulletin 4 Forum Owners,
We were recently made aware of a security issue with the plugin used on vBulletin 4 forums. We have released an updated version of the plugin which fixes this security problem but also addresses a couple of other issues. We recommend that all vBulletin 4 forums update the plugin to version 5.2.2 as a matter of urgency.
The following fixes are included:- Fixed the Thanks / Likes features that were not working.
- Fixed SQL injection issue.
- User profiles now show Infractions.
- Removed the option to restrict specific usergroups from logging in via the Tapatalk app. This brings Tapatalk in line with normal browser behavior.
Where can I get the update?
You can download the update at our plugin page by clicking the link below and downloading the Tapatalk Plugin for vBulletin 4 version 5.2.2.
Tapatalk vBulletin Plugin Downloads
How do I update the Tapatalk Plugin?
Redo the Installation steps m
aking sure the plugin folder 'mobiquo' was replaced with the new one, and the product.xml file has been imported.
What Happened?
Although we try our best to keep forums as secure as possible, something slipped through testing and the vBulletin 4 plugin was released with a bug that allows for an attacker unauthorized access the database. We urge you to update the plugin as a matter or urgency.
While we are constantly on the lookout for security exploits ourselves,if you come across any security issues, we urge you to report them privately to us here via our
Security Incident Response Team form. We appreciate any tips you may have that will aid us in improving everyone's security on Tapatalk!
Thank You,
The Tapatalk Team