We don't need to discuss this, but in my opinion, classifying
2.2. Upload content of the upload folder into you forum root folder
as an addon specific install instruction (in contrast to general vB usage or general vB addon installation procedures) seems a bit, well, how shall I put it, pettifogging to me. The exact same instruction can be found in the upgrade instructions if vB.
I agree with the politics to ask addon questions in the addon thread. It really makes sense, if the chances are better there to get a valid answer.
But the question "what is the vBulletin forum root folder" is really not of that category. The chances of getting a better answer in an addon thread is not better than here. If I know the answer, In such cases, I find it much easier and nicer to just give the answer instead of sticking to a policy that makes sense in general, but clearly not here. Especially if the actual answer is half the length of what you wrote, but of course, that's a copy/paste block. I don't like those, and in such cases sometimes it seems just better to not answer at all.
But as I said, that's just my opinion, and I know you for an extremely helpful guy!