Originally Posted by Raakin
In the External Links settings, I have selected a few forums to be in the Excluded Forums list, but I can still see the rel="nofollow" in the links posted there. Is it a bug?
The vBulletin's setting for nofollow from BB Code settings page is disabled. I am using only the DBSEO's add nofollow setting for external links.
If you disable DBSEO from the product manager and comment out its htaccess settings, does the nofollow still appear?
Originally Posted by ezak
using v1.2.7 and found this functions is not working correctly
http://www.gem-flash.com/vb/showthread.php?t=58295 >> get meta desc from post No.2
http://www.gem-flash.com/vb/showthread.php?t=364602 >> get meta desc from post No.9
both of links have duplicated meta descriptions as WMC notice
* they didn't get meta description from first post, and get it from thanks post that make it duplicated
This is not an issue myself nor any of our customers can replicate.
Originally Posted by JohnScag
I'm getting an error when I try to upload the xml file. It says the class_install.php appears to be missing. I uploaded the entire upload file, and it is in there so I don't see why it would say it couldn't find it. I didn't see any other install file. What do you think the problem is?
Upload the contents of the upload folder, not the upload folder itself. For reference, these instructions can also be found in the readme.txt file