I know that without the tracking pixel you don't see how many EPN impressions you serve. I had the original rewriter modded to include the tracking pixel back in 2009. Mostly I was concerned that EPN would balk without it. But I doubt now that they would have.
I'm not sure why the pub id was added ??
I tested this on my DEV forum yesterday. It's VB 3.8.7 and it seemed to work just fine. However, when I tested a ebay.co.uk link I wasn't sure that it rewrote the link as I expected.
I expected to see rover.ebay.co.uk but saw rover.ebay.com instead. Though when clicked I was taken to the ebay.co.uk page and it did have my campid etc in the link. So, I guess it's working.
I plan to remove my current EPN rewriter on one of my sites and see how this one does.
They also have an Amazon rewriter available too. I have my own Amazon rewriter that I've used for years, but I'll probably give that one a try as well.