Shopping For New Host ? Site5 VPS?
So the forum I run is pretty much out-growing the current shared hosting plan it's on, which is coming through RealWebHost. We've been with them for three years, and have grown every month over that time to the point we're seeing some pretty consistent outages and errors over the last eight months. This has me thinking it's probably time to make the jump, especially with our Host telling me a day ago that our last outage was actually because we're using up all the resources of that particular server. I've stuck with them this long because they're generally easy to work with, and don't limit concurrent connections to the database (so they say).
In shopping around, I did a call with Site5 in looking into options specifically for vBulletin sites, and they're suggesting anything between a second tier to fourth tier VPS, which runs anywhere between $72 and $150 a month based on the usage information I gave them (which I'll post below) a substantial increase in price from the paltry $30 I'm paying now. Their recommendation, of course, is the tier four, for the most amount of money, based on vBulletin being a "resource hog".
The rep also mentioned that their concurrent connections is "around 50".
Per their site/call, VPS4 includes: 2GB memory, 100GB disk space, 1.25 TB bandwidth and 4 Cores, which seems, at least to me, like much more than we actually need.
VPS2, by comparison, includes: 1GB memory, 50GB of disk space, 800 GB of bandwidth and 2 Cores.
My forum, as of today, is using around 60GB of bandwidth a month, and 1.36GB of disk space.
On average, during our peak months, we average around 21,000~ sessions, and 215,000~ page views, per Google Analytics reports, and average around 30 members online at any point in the day, with numerous guests viewing the site as well.
In terms of concurrent connections, I can't say for certain what we average, but I do know that based on the nature of the forum (it's a discussion platform for the New York Rangers of the NHL), when news breaks, or a trade occurs, or anything of that nature, we do see bigger spikes in users online, both members and guests who are looking for that information, and commenting on it. Usually more guests than members, but aren't guests still technically counting against connections to the database, since they're still viewing pages and requesting information for it to serve?
So my question is, does the Site5 option seem right? To me, the VPS2 option seemed ideal.