A suggestion for improvement, currently as far as I've been able to determine at any rate, if you have your own custom sideblock widget that uses its own templates the only way to cache those custom templates for the pages where this mod enables the sideblock to be shown on the selected pages is to manually cache them. My suggestion is to add a custom hook location to your code so that templates can be cached on the appropriate pages automatically.
In the plugin on the cache_template hook is where'd I'd recommend adding the hook at the comment location I've added.
global $sb_temps;
if($sb_temps AND !in_array($GLOBALS['forumid'], explode(",", $vbulletin->options['bop5sbas_forums'])))
$cache[] = 'block_blogentries';
$cache[] = 'block_cmsarticles';
$cache[] = 'block_html';
$cache[] = 'block_newposts';
$cache[] = 'block_sgdiscussions';
$cache[] = 'block_tagcloud';
$cache[] = 'block_threads';
//add hook location here