I recently ran in to a lot of problems running VBSEO and switched to DBSEO which was the same and was literally at my wits end as how to ditch the SEO programs without losing tens of thousands of backlinks and Google search engine placings, while at the same time having my VPS host threatening to remove my account. To top it all off, I have probably had the worst month of my life from a personal/family point of view.
While desperately searching for a solution I came across a post where someone said they employed igor to help them out. I contacted igor for a preliminary discussion and asked for his help as things got worst.
igor has been a godsend. Apart from the massive job he had to initially do, (and literally dropping everything to help me) he has kept monitoring my site daily via Google Webmaster tools and has been fine tuning any issues that have turned up.
Its pretty rare I will make a post recommending someone , but sometimes someone does such a great job and helps you out you feel you should. The money he asked as payment was modest, I paid him 25% more purely because he deserved it.
Thanks again igor