Originally Posted by markoroots
I have unistalled it from "Plugin and Products"...
That is where you went wrong. NEVER uninstall before upgrading unless you are specifically told to in the upgrading instructions. Uninstalling prior to upgrading in almost all cases WILL DELETE your previous settings - this is not want you typically want to do with any mod.
You will not find the word "uninstall" in the upgrade instructions of this mod (or almost any mod).
Instructions included with this mod:
First Time Installation / Upgrade
1. Upload all files from the "upload" folder to your forums directory.
2. Import the product-dbtech_forumads.xml file from the "XML" folder at
AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product
3. Add your user ID to "Super Administrators" in config.php if you have
not done so already.
4. Under the "DBTech - Forum Ads" AdminCP menu, click "Maintenance"
then run "Repair" and "Rebuild Keyword Database".
5. CHMOD the following folder to 0777
6. That's it! You can start editing settings and setting usergroup permissions.
The only way to recover your old settings is if you made a copy of the database prior to uninstalling.