New server, email notifications not working
We have a dedicated server but due to costs we manage it ourselves, as in everything but the hardware. A couple of months ago we outfitted a new one and moved everything over to it and everything seems to work fine except for email notifications. The server will send out emails through the OS and the installed software but vBulletin seems to not be talking to the server in that regard.
I'm not the tech guy who built it, I'm just the site admin so I can't answer a lot of questions but I wanted to see if there might be something that generally happens to cause this problem that I could relay to our tech. The server is running CentOS 6.5 (the previous server was running an earlier version of this), Apache 2.2.15, MySQL 5.1.73, Postfix Mail Server Postfix version 2.6.6, Sendmail Mail Server Sendmail version 8.14.4, config V10/Berkeley.
Not sure if any of that is relevant or not. Thanks in advance if anyone can help with this.