Hi all,
I have come across a forum (VB) which has a menu pane on the left with search tabs.
I was wondering how they managed it and where I could get an add-on like it and if anyone knows if one exists..
Basically if you visit this forum there is the menu pane on the left with search links.
So if I had a gaming forum for example, using their menu it would be like this;
Search for;
Latest PC users
Latest Xbox Users
Latest Mac users
Most liked screenshots
and so on...
It's like an advanced member search but I don't know where to find this mod or even whee to start if I'm honest.
Searches such as 'advanced user search' and 'advanced filters' aren't working.
It's basically a link to specific searches of usergroups based on the search filter and also like latest screenshots or latest members.
I would appreciate a pointer in the right direction.
Many thanks