Perhaps if I ask the certain questions where I had trouble, someone here can help me. Keep in mind, that I haven't installed many hacks, so I'm not very good at this.
1.) When it mentions to add the vbulletin code into the index.php for vbhome, do I put the code that is from the boards index.php in there?
2) When I tried step 5 to set my {imagesfolder} to the full url. I got a lot of broken images.
I think I did the rest correctly and when I went through the final steps I got the following error. But do I call this link to get to my vbhome page ( )?
There I get this error: Parse error: parse error in /home/www/theparentclub/index.php on line 50
I am sure there is something I'm not doing right and could use some help.