Originally Posted by RichieBoy67
I love this mod but would love to see a feature for limiting the amount of back ups made. I use this on many client sites in addition to my own and sometimes I forget about it and a couple months later their entire server is filled. lol
I would like to limit it to 2 or 3 back ups stored if possible.
I limit it to just 7 backups by changing the "Date Format" in the settings. If you just use "D" (which stands for day of the week) as the date format then you will only get 7 backups before they start to overwrite themselves.
Then after 7 days they will just overwrite each other. You no longer need to delete old backups which as you mentioned, everyone forgets to before they get an alert about disk space. Extremely useful if you're running multiple sites too!
I figure if I don't know within a week that I need a backup for a site then I really don't need the backup.
...My server runs nightly backups too, but you can never be too safe.