Originally Posted by ozzy47
Exactly! Please, read that thread before you install or do anything else with spam. I did everything in that thread when I first launched my site and opened it to the public, and I NEVER get spam on my forum. And I dont have any Captchas, Security Questions, Prove Your Human things, Nothing that makes a user have to input, everything works behind the scenes, on the backend. Its the best thing I have did to my forum (And I have a $600 custom style for my forum), and you can't even see it, because it works in the backend.
Now you might get spam once in a great while, but its nothing. I'm talking about 1 spam post every few months, maybe twice a year, if that. Because there is nothing you can do about Human users that register and post spam until they actually post the spam. But like I said, its nothing. Spam bots are the real problem, they can completely cover a forum in nothing but spam in just a few mins to an hour. And in doing so, can take up a lot of server resources and bandwidth. Check out Ozzy's link, and read through that thread, you will be very surprised. You may not even believe it at first, I know I didn't, not until I seen it for myself.