Originally Posted by tbworld
Do some additional research on the web, so your not disappointed when no one replies with a solution. 
I have searched and searched all over this site and the VBULLETIN.COM site....and I'm amazed that nobody else has asked this question.....
Oops! I read the 'original post' incorrectly. You said "from" the mobile style not "from" the mobile device. Sorry, about that. 
You have the capability already by using BBCODES, so the answer is yes it is possible. There are limitations and I discussed them at the top of this post. I think what you are really asking: "Is there any user dialog boxes for requesting an image from the web using the default mobile browser", and as far as I can see, there is not. Yes, they could be added.
When on a device...such as an iPhone....you can post an image when using the "FULL SITE" link...and then using the browser (such as Safari)....but everything is SO SMALL!!!!
So....I would like to have a button to upload and image. Something in the "Additional Options" area....a Button that kinda looks like the "PREVIEW" button that would say: "Upload Image"
How do I go about GETTING THAT????