Originally Posted by tbworld
I have not tried this, but it should work.
Create a show variable with your script name (THIS_SCRIPT), I am using 'faq' as my example tab and script:
// hook: load_show_variables
$show['this_faq'] = THIS_SCRIPT === 'faq' ? true : false;
//var_dump($show['this_faq']); // Diagnostic
In the navigational manager under your new tab find "Show Permission Name" and add in the text-area field: this_faq
I will test this a bit later when I get a chance, but give it a whirl. 
You can add additional show variables you created by using a "." between the variables (. = AND). I think the help button gives an example.
$show['faq_notab'] - shuts off this tab under certain conditions -- Just create a new show variable, like above.
Example: this_faq.faq_notab (Combined permissions on "Show Permission Name")
I am not sure the example conditions would ever exist in combination... I was just trying to throw an example together quickly. 
Ah this works perfect. Thanks!