@ ne_one
I've ran the plugin a few times. (full version, not the one on this post)
The first time it seemed to work without any hiccups, there's a lot of things involved - so for a somewhat novice like myself it takes a bit of getting used to. Thus the second time, now, it's not working, but that's most likely just due to my pure incompetence.
I do have a problem with Avatars however. The old plugin that's required to get them to work is out of date, and when I use it it likes to bugger up the theme & not actually do it's job. Beyond that, no real complaints. Though comments aren't currently syncing.
Overall I thought it was a good plugin, works fine. Just currently, for me, until I remove my head from my ass - it's not functioning. I dare say a clean uninstall/install would help. Equally, so would a brain transplant.