One of the users (CoZmicShReddeR) mentioned that there are many forum owners who are using dark skins so the defult CSS which I posted in this modification may not fit their style so I decided to add two more CSS codes which would be great for dark skins.
1. Black Background :
PHP Code:
.aionets_similar_threads{color:#FFF;float:right;background-color:#000;border-left:4px solid #676767;border-right:1px dotted #676767;border-top:1px dotted #676767;border-bottom:1px dotted #676767;padding:7px;margin:0 auto 8px}
2. Gray Background :
PHP Code:
.aionets_similar_threads{color:#FFF;float:right;background-color:#5c5c5c;border-left:4px solid #000;border-right:1px dotted #000;border-top:1px dotted #000;border-bottom:1px dotted #000;padding:7px;margin:0 auto 8px}
If you are using your own custom code please feel free to share it with other users.
And please fee free to ask any questions regarding this modification.