well thank you to all for there replies what i actally means to say about when i am online and offlines is that i want to play spesific things on specific timing like from 12:00AM to 2:00AM daily and it will be not auto play it thus show a ticker or only show on forum home Maybe i put a Name Radio Jockey when it is online it shows a blink green like online or offline of the id does and what i want to play is not the songs all time some time i may play a webinar mp3 for webmasters for e.g how to create links and what are there roles in search engines, some time for fun only songs and some time a religious speech maybe but it wll not be auto play and what you are saying is put it own server so if i am going to launch a webinar file i have to upload it evry time on server :/ Weather you can say i want to create my own FM radio style