in vbulletin 3 and 4 it was possible to check user's unread private messages in any template (footer, header ...) with this if condition:
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[pmunread]">user has new pms</if>
but in vb5 how is this possible? i need it to work in header or footer template and not only in provate_message temps
i found this but it checks all types of notifications , unread visitor messages, requests and ... including new private messages :
{vb:data unreadCount, content_privatemessage, getUnreadInboxCount}
{vb:data canUsePmSystem, content_privatemessage, canUsePmSystem}
<vb:if condition="!empty($unreadCount)">
how is this possible only to check for new private messages instead of all notifications?