Sorry for my late reply guys, I sure it's due to the different time zone
Originally Posted by kevius
Great !
But, i can't see icones for new funtions into the editor. I see only blank icones !?
Got it, Please Re-download the attachments and re-upload all of the files again and it should work.
Originally Posted by blackberry
Thanks for the update. Please provide the following images they are missing
Attachment 149900
Select All
Insert Special Character
Spell Check as you Type
Bookmark is missing as said above 
Same thing

Re-download the package and re-upload all of the files again no more.
Originally Posted by wildheart
Ok now it appeared it on another thread a member opened. So the bookmark is on the first post of a thread and not at the bottom of a page like I assumed hahaha.

The bookmarks button only appears in the first post next to the edit post icon and it has a link in the navbar.
Originally Posted by tpearl5
Thanks for making a lite version of this. I'm sure a lot of people will find it useful.
You may want to consider releasing a separate version of the Remote Attachments Server part as I'm sure a lot of people with larger boards would be interested in this  They would also love the ability to go directly to an Amazon S3 bucket, or other CDNs that can handle uploads 
I don't think that we will make a lite version of any of our big board features, We are currently have the following features specially for the big boards :
1- RAS System - Remote attachments server.
2- Multi-Site user login and registration.
3- Load balance and monitoring system.
4- CDN Manager.
And if we released all of them separately, It will cost you as a customer much more than the current price of vBFoster PRO, Because we've many features in vBFoster that's why we sell it as a package