Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
@Barbecue_Eater: I'm still tracing that issue I can't replicate it exactly. Is it possible to test whether you still have the same issue if you use English as the main language if possible? My gut feeling is that the issue is connected to the language somehow.
The only other suggestion I have to try for now (pending some input from Fillip @DBTech) is that you redownload the latest vB4 files and reupload them in case there was something in the way the GPC works that has been accidentally corrupted.
Thanks so far.
Which exact language setting are we talking about here?
I'll probably have to download the english language xml, we only have the German one.
I'm pretty sure there is nothing broken about the files, I remember having the bug before upgrading to the newer version (4.2.1 > 4.2.2).
By setting the language to English (US), the problem is resolved.
How do I fix it with the German language?
It's probably because of the decimal separator.
In the US, you use
as a decimal separator - here in middle EU you use
The same applies to the thousand separator: you're using
while we're using
But the code needs to be changed in order for the plugin to work properly.
-- EDIT 2: Our fix that we use from now:
I fixed it by changing Line 26 of dbtech\vbdonate\includes\functions.php to
$dbt_vbd_pp_amount_options = explode('/', $vbulletin->options['dbtech_vbdonate_don_amount']);
and started separating the amounts by the character "/" in the vBDonate settings and using a comma instead a dot as the decimal character.
This will not work for the english language pack though, therefore I suggest you guys implement an automatic parser that converts the amounts to the correlating decimal systems of the language. There is a vbulletin variable that can read the decimal character, you can use that automatically based on the users language setting.