Originally Posted by Max Taxable
Content is king.
On the contrary, I believe users are king. Dedicated members are like fine tequila. I find many forums are crammed with content and information covering their niche but lack organized knowledge, an updated platform to display their content properly and usually a dedicated group of members to increase its value.
But to your point there's plenty of blame to go around. Start with a poorly developed platform. Move on the media companies monopolizing the various forum channels then letting their forum properties run on autopilot.
Follow that up with admins and companies whoring up domains then creating forums that they have zero interest in and tweaking the forum for no other purpose than Google rankings and Adsense cash.
Many niches are doing well depending on how active the dedicated admins are. For instance Automotive, Gaming, Photography, Howto, Outdoors, YouTube and a few others are usually doing well.
But at a minimum to do well you have to fine tune your marketing skills, become a dedicated all-involved admin and nurture those forum relationships.