Lovely... would you believe I was going along similar lines...
Anyway, if you could clear a few things up... I've followed everything here and it's very clear, getting a good understanding, I have one more template/php-file to do like this and I'll apply your enlightening way to that also...
Right, well it's working, kinda... I can see what's happening, top10.php seems fine, template is fine, when called I see my forum header, the outout header and graphic and the footer graphic and then the forum footer itself, but nothing inbetween...
What I'm doing as you would of guessed is reading a file from ftp, putting a 100 lines of it into a text file/flat-file and then trying to read it out nicely... seems like the fault of the 'top10.txt' which checking now is zero bytes, so it's making the file, putting nothing into it and then reading nothing out, so it's either my ftp url which I'm sure is right or line 94 of the top10.php which is:
$ftpurl = "./top10records.txt";
Before it was actually connecting via ftp and making the file for reading, so that line above would that need the full ftp url? I'm reading a text file (well a lua file) the ftpurl line is similar to this:
$ftpurl = "ftp://username:password@"; // Your FTP uri
almost there old boy... but yeah I did think of putting everything into my php file and using a string to output it all, but you have done a much nicer job and I'll follow this way in future, thanks ever so for helping me.