Originally Posted by b6gm6n
Thank you...
Yes were on the right track...
I have a custom php file in my forums directory which through a template is being included, all that php file really has in it is that function, the template is not being saved telling me it's undefined...
So in the php file I've included the line : $safe_functions[] = 'myFunction';
but it's a no show still...
It all used to work  using vBulletin 3.8.7 Patch Level 4 - Just need to let vB know that myFunction is a good'un and I'm golden.. the custom php file is being included, just can't save the template without an error....
Thanks for the help.
EDIT, I'm getting it now I think....
"Safe Functions" allows a PHP function or user function to be accessible via a template. It's main purpose was to limit harmful functions from being executed at presentation. "$safe_function" is an array that you can add the name of your function to, this is added to the array at template hook: "template_safe_functions". (See .. "/includes/adminfunctions_template.php" around line ~1888.
I have a notion that you are trying to send information to the template through output buffering, but cannot be sure without seeing your code. My forte' lies with vb4, so you could be still doing something I am not familiar with.