See I didn't even realize this thread was up but already I like it! I had no clue you could chat with a space shuttle over cb, ever - that is pretty nice to read about.
As for me right now a giant action figure mountain for my son
Although it still has a long way to go including the outer shell (use pool "noodles" the foam ones to cut up and do the walls then wrap them in plaster so they're still light weight w/ the foam but the plaster makes the walls) then there's the 15ft of high power LED's (with a remote by goodness it flashes for red alerts and such does 16 different colors and more functions like flash, fade, diy programmable buttons etc) to include inside before constructing the inner rooms and btw I'm using shoe boxes wrapped in plaster cloth then painted so he can remove all of them and replace with others so one day this can be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles base the next day for G.I. Joe or X-Men even! When it's completed it should be pretty slick and best part is he can fit under the bottom light it up inside while playing.
Next I'm converting a Superman shelf I lasercut into a LaLa-Loopsy village - well wife said throw it away, no ma'am it's a good shelf! I'll find a way to use it I thought so I'll be covering it with plaster cloth but first must make the hills, the trees and everything else SEW MAGICAL (lol).
Of course I work on computers and build them too but only for close friends so unless you already knew ya never heard it here
