Originally Posted by tpearl5
Awesome! Let me know if you have any suggestions! What are you using to track updates?
Thanks for the offer, but that will take some time to see what it really achieves on the other end. I was using another mod from the graveyard meanwhile and noticed that BigG was dropping a few thousand threads. Of course, I adjusted the screw tighter very slowly and careful. But in the end - after 2 months - I had no significant loss of visitors, but a slightly better time on site, pages per visit. I?ld expect the same from yours and starting at the point, where I?m now leaving the old mod.
We?ve been monitored by AGOF (
http://www.agof.de/). Quite expensive, but worth the money. So we always now, when and where Google made an update, called as out with a penalty aso. Guess, there?s something similiar existing for the US.