Originally Posted by Dave
I'm pretty sure it would be faster to do this PHP. However, I think that storing the value would also be a nice alternative.
Originally Posted by kh99
Yeah, it may or may not make enough difference to worry about whether to have the db server do the actual counting or to do it in php, but storing it sidesteps the issue and avoids an extra query, so I'd probably do that. And you mentioned above adding it to the post table, but from what you said it sounds like the thread table would be better.
Well, either way you'd have a query since you still have to get the data. Storing in the thread table would require a join that could slow things down on very large forums. The data is available in the post table, so I figured that would be easier. Either way, I'm not seeing any slowness with running the query on the fly. Meh, I don't know, I'll have to see how it works.