I'm starting to have an issue on my forum (3.8.5) whereby some posts are having certain characters being changed, things like ', ", - are being changed into this:
***8220;Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.***8221;
***8213; Winston Churchill
Whereas it should be:
"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."
- Winston Churchill
But it's not happening to all posts, only some. I've been searching the net and reading on vb.com but it's above my understanding. I have picked up on what I think may be the problem, but I don't know, and that's the character setting? Here are some screenshots that I have taken after reading various threads on vb.com
Can anybody see anything wrong anywhere? Thanks.
This is one of the posts:
The settings on the first page at phpmyadmin
The collation column when I select my database in phpmyadmin
The Character set in vb admincp
Character set and collation from vb admincp
I don't really know what any of this all means so hoping someone can pick up on something that is incorrect?
For the time being I have had to use the Replacement Variable Manager to fix this, but I'd prefer to fix the issue properly, thank you.