Originally Posted by Toorak Times
What's the point then Fillip? CMS is just so overlooked by forum developers...4.2.3(?) is a publishing suite and all you guys need to get your heads around that...how do I compete with Wordpress sites where developers actually finish their mods...I am very cranky atm
The point is that we made a decision to prioritise the integrity of a forum's Meta Keyword and Meta Descriptions, as these are relevant for SEO.
I would like to remind you that your anger over this unfortunate change does not give you the right to insult ourselves or the IB developers, as we are still human beings. You would not appreciate it if I insulted you over a response like this, as much as it angers me to hear this tone taken, so please do not subject others to what you would not appreciate to receive in return.
I regret that this has upset you, and should I find an alternative solution in the future then I will of course re-activate the CMS integration.