Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
There are both disappointed customers and vicious haters. I'm not blaming the customers but it is almost a full time job watching for lies being posted from the haters- two wrongs do not make a right- they seem to think it does.
Agreed - but keep one thing in mind.. Most of those 'haters' started as disappointed customers.
Its my belief that the majority of mod creators didn't leave because of the lack of a plugin system. That may have contributed, but I don't think that was the primary reason.
Things have happened incrementally over time. IB taking over, releasing vb4 too early, losing Mike & Kier, XF launched, The lawsuit, vb4 plans being discarded, vb5 being released way too early, cutbacks on staff..
All of these things cost more and more customers as time went on many of whom migrated to XF or IPB. And its those customers that created mods and used mods.
Its ironic. One of the reasons IB bought vBulletin was so they could control the software their owned sites operate on, yet none of them have upgraded to vb5 my knowledge. Almost all run on vb 3x.
IMO, its a terrible shame, and how top management that controls vB still works for the company is amazing to me. Personally, I think vB can still be saved, but it seems nobody that makes decisions wants to hear it. They seem to be in some kind of denial that things are as bad as they are.