GZIP being more selective
Gizp output improves response times greatly with my rather remote server. Unfortunately at busy periods it kills the CPU and I have had to turn it off.
What I want is a way to have it partially on. One or more of these:
1 - On when CPU load is under xx % and automatically Off above that to stop the CPU meltdown.
2 - On all the time for admin/moderators and maybe members and OFF for guest users.
3 - On by particular user or forum or whatever.
I think option 2 might be easy to hack - is there a script where the GIZP CP option is examined and I could easily add a test for usergroup? Can someone code this up (I am not a PHP man).
Thanks. The main aim is to let me have GZIP on for key users even if all the users can't have it on as the CPU gets overloaded.