My question is how to make a clientid in vbuleetin API?
Please see link API overview,
in there you can see query for clientid, client token and other.
So here's an example of the request URL:
From the example, you'll see:
api.php specific params are prefixed with 'api_'
api_m = method name
api_c = ClientID.
api_s = Access token.
api_sig = signature of the request
api_v = the api version called by the request
b=value1&a=value2 are the HTTP GET params accepted by the method (forum_markread) of the API
i go to the database, and found table "apiclient".
1. apiclientid int(10)
2. secret varchar(32)
3. apiaccesstoken varchar(32)
4. userid int(10)
5. clienthash varchar(32)
6. clientname varchar(250)
i want make other application like store, the login store same database vbulletin user table.
but i don't know where put client data. in admincp i found only vbulletin API key and log.
--------------- Added [DATE]1404982729[/DATE] at [TIME]1404982729[/TIME] ---------------
now is ok, i put manual to database table.