I am working on a Chat integration for my board, I know all the paramaters to allow the Java Applet to access to usernames and profiles. But i have one small problem..... My host (who is provideing the Java Chat function has set up the system files, and class files for the application (volano) to only be accessed by a page located in a certain place and certain name.
my board is at : ww w. mysite.com / index .php have the setup for the chat at w ww. my domain.com/ volano .php but the chat server will only allow access from volano.hostingcompany.com / mydomain name / chat .htm As you can see, it is hosted on a different server. So the ultimate question is: Is their a way to allow the volano. php page to redirect to chat.htm AND fill in the paramaters needed $ urlencusername and $ htmlusername in the Java Applet that is housed on the html page?