So, we have to step back and realize that the vast majorirty of vBulletin Administrators are not system administrators, or Linux gurus. You can't even assume that they know what SSH or the shell is, let alone how to do things in it.
More often than not, if someone is asking what the best X is at anything, such as webhosting, they're probably already in over their heads.
Its up to us to guide them to what they need. We should NOT sugar coat that running a server and administrating it properly can be a full time job.
Which is why my questions were important.
Are you going to do everything by hand? PHP/MySQL updates? Are you going to have a control panel? Who is going to manage your DNS? You, your webhost?
How are you going to secure your server?
Are you okay with working on the command line?
Can you deal with an unmanaged vps?
I can add to that, what is your budget? What is your traffic? How many users are online on average? ARe you running a lot of addons? Which addons?