Originally Posted by highlander29
I've been running this mod for two and a half months. I hate to say it but the number of unique sessions per day after installing it hasn't gone up. It's gone down. I was at in excess of 6000 sessions per day prior to installing it. Now I am below 5000 pretty consistently. I'm using the standard features including the automated thread tagging. Bounce rate has gone down by about 2% though. Bottom line is from an SEO perspective, I don't seem to be getting benefits yet. Pages per session is generally lower as well.
The other thing I would add to this is that pageviews per day has gone down from 30,000 - 35,000 per day to 21,000 - 27,000 pageviews per day. If the point of the software is to drive more activity to the forum, it seems to be doing the opposite in my case. I've been committed to sticking with this but am beginning to have some doubts and concerns.