once I finished counting the different colours of blue you have in your forums I am ready to give you some input. We will start at the top and work our way down:
Logo: Ditch that turquoise colour. I am almost hit the close button when I saw it. "It blinds me! yes it does!"
and the little check boxie thingies as well.
Buttons: not a big fan but for some home made ones its a start.

Forum Main: not a big fan of the lighter blue but it is growing on me and looks halfway decent. You need to get rid of those turquoise vB buttons. God you don't want to make your visitors puke or go blind do you??
Postbit: maybe alternate the colours of posts it can get kind of confusing after awhile.
besides all my rants I do have some raves to perk you up.
Nice addition to the welcome panel its not to bad at all. All in all I think you can do a lot with this and now that you know what would make me happy hehe get to it! lol. jk! remember for personal sites its what you like. Community sites its a little what you like and a lot of what the people in general want. good luck with everything and if you want a hand feel free to email, pm, message me and I would be glad to help.