Hey everyone. So lately I've been searching for someone to do this for me but I figure if I learned it myself it'd be much more helpful to me in the future. I run a gaming clan, and we have a roster. You can view it here:
Obviously, you can see a few things. The default page lists all our staff. That is very easy, and not really the part I need help with. The help begins with the games list you see at the side. When you click a game, it lists all users who have that Game listed as their Main Game in a profile field, and lists other info, such as their rank, In-Game contact (which is another profile field) and join date/last active. The games are also themselves divided into categories.
Our code is relatively simple. We keep a manual array of info that keeps these together you can see below:
PHP Code:
// Define Games and Lists //
$gameslist = array();
//SETUP $gamelist[] = array("Game Name","urlshortcode","Name of In-Game Name or Account", "field# for that profile field");
$gameslist[] = array("Battlefield 4 (PS4)", "bf4ps4", "PlayStation ID", "field7");
$gameslist[] = array("Counter Strike: Global Offensive (EU)", "csgoeu", "Steam ID", "field8");
$gameslist[] = array("Counter Strike: Global Offensive (NA)", "csgona", "Steam ID", "field8");
$gameslist[] = array("Elder Scrolls Online (NA)", "esona", "Main Character", "field45");
$gameslist[] = array("League of Legends (EUNE)", "loleune", "Summoner Name", "field12");
$gameslist[] = array("League of Legends (EUW)", "loleuw", "Summoner Name", "field31");
$gameslist[] = array("League of Legends (NA)", "lolna", "Summoner Name", "field32");
$gameslist[] = array("League of Legends (OCE)", "loloce", "Summoner Name", "field47");
$gameslist[] = array("Minecraft", "mc", "Username", "field14");
$gameslist[] = array("Smite (EU)", "smiteeu", "Smite Account", "field22");
$gameslist[] = array("Smite (NA)", "smitena", "Smite Account", "field22");
$gameslist[] = array("Titanfall", "tfall", "Origin ID", "field29");
$gameslist[] = array("WildStar (EU)", "wseu", "Main Character", "field48");
$gameslist[] = array("WildStar (NA)", "wsna", "Main Character", "field48");
$gameslist[] = array("World of Tanks (EU)", "woteu", "WarGaming.NET ID", "field46");
$gameslist[] = array("Other Game", "other", "", "");
// Game Type Categories
$gamecats = array();
// ADD the # of the game in the list above (starting from 0) to the appropriate category array number list.
$gamecats[] = array("Divisions",array(4,5,6));
$gamecats[] = array("Guilds",array());
$gamecats[] = array("Gaming Groups",array());
$gamecats[] = array("Divisions in Development",array(0,1,2,3,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14));
$gamecats[] = array("Miscellaneous",array(15));
This gets tedious to keep track of manually, and my admins with no programming experience can barely understand what is happening.
The listing of users is very easy, and I do not need any help with that. What I would like to add is a manager in the admin panel where you could save the information listed above to a table such as PREFIX.games. I imagine having several drop down boxes. A mockup is below:
I'd then Like a list of games that includes these rows in the table with a [ ] Remove checkbox.
I do not know how to add this to the admin panel and would love guidance on how to begin doing this. The sorting would go by Game Status (the second array in my php code) then Alphabetical. This would go a long way in helping my staff edit this list themselves. Any help would be appreciated.
Skype: j.c.will my be better to work personally with me.