Thanks for the kind words about the mod.
You asked, "will Panjo add features like the ability to feature a listing?"
Yes - we have plans for sellers to enhance the visibility of their listings via promotional options. On that note, Panjo currently supports a widget that features listings. The widget or ad unit takes a variety of input variables. Contact to get access to the widget for your site.
You asked, "will Panjo add features like the ability to limit listings to certain user groups?"
Panjo currently has a feature that allows you to limit which user groups can create a listing. You can find this setting in your admin cp under the Panjo Marketplace options.
You asked, "if we are not using paypal and someone clicks the buy button, is the listing considered sold?"
Yes, that is correct. If a seller indicates that he/she wants to collect payment on their own. Then the listing gets the equivalent of a 'commit to purchase form.' If a buyer completes that form, then the system marks the item as sold. If the sale falls through, the seller would need to relist the item for sale.
In our experience, falsely completed 'buy now' forms are a rare occurrence. If that becomes a major problem for your community, we would be happy to review features that could help address that. We obviously want to reduce work for buyers and sellers, not create more work for them.