I'm trying to provide a QUOTE alternative for my forum where users can use a custom BBCode that will both indent any pasted text, as well as add a background color to that text so that it appears like so:
HTML Code:
[INDENT][BGCOLOR=COLOR]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nullam tristique lorem a tortor pulvinar, a consequat magna dictum.
Integer egestas eget ligula.[/BGCOLOR][/INDENT]
This is obviously just dummy text, but the idea is to allow for this new BBCode to serve in place of what we've traditionally used, which is the standard QUOTE code, which doesn't retain the text from the original post if that post is quoted by a user due to vBulletin's lack of quote level support.
I'm able to create a custom BBCode for a background color, but I want to make it as easy as possible on my users by automatically including an INDENT within that new custom code so that they aren't forced to include both the new code as well as a traditional indent.
Any help is much appreciated.