Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd
Work: this implies you're paying for the solution but have posted in the "Unpaid" modifications
Well, i thought it is just a matter of turning on/off some settings. But if it is more complicated, is it so hard to say you need money for that? I am not a coder so i don't know how much work is involved in it.
Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd
Work: Fix: How can someone fix the problem without proper information, screenshots or a detailed "how to" to recreate the issue
I thought i explained the problem very clearly. But OK i am sending a screenshot (BTW, it is not so easy to post an image here):
Attachment 149417
Do you see that "Attached Files" box below the image? I don't want to have that there. I just want to see the image there, not that box. And it is easy to replicate the problem, just post an image and you will see that same thing.
Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd
Comments: you have recieved some!
After two months...