I was actually stunned today, I have sought a way to add 'justify' to my WYSIWYG, old school publisher, so I can have justified galleys of type for my Publishing Suite, no results, although I found a bbcode that doesn't work in 4.2.2pl1.
THEN I, must be thick, find that in my Blogs 'justify' exists! Have a look...
Can anyone tell me how to get this happening in my CMS by default please?
A simple fix for this would have an enormous impact on the Publishing Suite as a whole I reckon.
My site may get the record for over modified but so much of the basic hacks should just, somehow, be embraced and made organic.
I still love the flexibility of vBulletin, been struggling to understand why the Blogs, Calendars and CMS are so under rated amongst developers, but realise MOST didn't want or need a CMS. To me it was a godsend.