ok, i decided to be the test dummy.
what i cant really figure out is:
Step 3, Install all necessary database tables. Open the following url in your browser for that:
http://<Vbulletin install directory>/rzchat/XML.php?action=install
where <Vbulletin install directory> should be replaced with your vBulleting site url
when you run
all you get is this:
anyway, after that i went to the chat and it asks for nickname, so i put in test, and then this pops up:
so wanting to test this out, i thought i would register a Cirrus developer key. then it says to login as admin and goto settings in the chat and add that key. mind you, nothing is said in this post or instructions about having to register a Cirrus developer key.
im kinda stuck at, trying to find where to login as admin?
if you login as guest, theres no setting option to add keys as such.
so what now, do we have to pay to unlock something to access admin chat panel?
i followed instructions down to a tee. the only step left is:
Step 4, Register your application to make all features available
Go to http://www.rayzzz.com/redirect.php?action=about&widget=chat&target=rz and get a license.
Then login your site with admin account and go to http://<Vbulletin install directory>/rzchat.php
Open Settings and enter the obtained license to "License" text field. Apply the changes.
but you have to pay for that.
im kinda lost like the rest of us, is this free or do we have to pay?