Woot! got this up and running it's a hoot. Thanks for the hack!
I have a funny question, I hope I can explain it ok... since I installed it, the people who have very small sigs and only post a little bit in the particular post... inside the post it keeps the sig tightly right below the post text, and so the sig and the IP information is pretty high off the bottom of the cell inside the post.
To force the sig to the bottom I threw a table inside that one table cell which has the post text and signature and the IP address in it (the cell you are currently reading). The table has two cells, the top cell with the post text is aligned top, and the bottom cell with the sig/IP is aligned bottom.
However, I guess the 'height' tag doesn't work all that well, because I can't force the table to be the same height as the cell it's inside. So I made the whole table a certain height (I think 325 now can't remember). This just means it will stretch out any posts which are not big enough.. but it does rather solve the problem of the sig/IP not being flush to the bottom of the post. Not completely, but it helps.
I was wondering if anyone has a better fix for this. I like the sig/IP being flush against the bottom. Would love to hear ideas.