Thanks for the info. As soon as i have the site set back, i'll be sure to implement those.
--------------- Added [DATE]1401092308[/DATE] at [TIME]1401092308[/TIME] ---------------
ok, i rewound my database and its like new.
I started to install the mods in your link and came across my first problem.
Here are the instructions i found:
Basic Instructions
1) Import XML File
2) Go to mod settings in Admin CP
3) Rename your register.php file via FTP or some other means- make it a unique value but only use basic letters, numbers, underscores, or hyphens. Something like "joeregister999.php"
4) In the mod settings, set the value of register.php to the new file name you chose.
5) If you require email verification during registration follow the next setting in the Admin CP and edit the phrases listed (activateaccount and activateaccount_chnage phrases in Email Body)
6) Finally, if you use Facebook Connect on your forum make the manual file edit of class_bootstrap.php as instructed.
As a newbie, i find myself pulling out my hair and turning to a forum like this for help. A simple task takes a long time when it should only take minutes.
Basic instructions #3..........where is the register.php file?
Basic instructions #5..........where is the activateaccount and activateaccount_change ?
When i look at the activateaccount though the CP, it won't let you change it, just view it (is it just me or is that a bad design?) so i assume i have to do it via FTP and edit the file.
And i assume #2 is CP>Settings>Options>Rename register.php by BOP5>edit