Originally Posted by aleheroix
Yes, thanks. That did help actually.
It's still not right as the colour of some of the borders aren't included in the stylevar editor (if not all of them). I couldn't manage to get a border around the subforums section or category header however, no amount of poking and prodding got a border on that. Also, some of the borders from the default style kinda look rough with the new (retro) borders, though I suspect I can make them transparent in the stylevar editor.
In the hope that anyone else finds this useful, and anyone else helping me further with it, I will post the code here :
/* Moving the lastpost feed slightly away from the cell border to have a margin between the wrapper and the cell wall */
.forum-list-container .forum-item .lastpost > .lastpost-wrapper > .lastpost-info {position:relative;left:6px;}
.forum-list-container .forum-item .lastpost > .lastpost-wrapper > .avatar {position:relative;left:6px;}
/* We need to adjust the lastpost column header so it aligns with the lastpost feed. */
.forum-list-container .forum-list-header .header-lastpost {padding-left:6px;}
/* Add the columns */
.cell-forum, .cell-forum-main {border-style:none dotted dotted dotted;border-width:1px}
.lastpost {border-style:none dotted dotted none;border-width:1px}
.topics-count, .posts-count {border-style:none dotted dotted none;border-width:1px;}
/* The subforum header would be out of place if we add the border, so we move it down. */
.forum-list-container .subforum-list .subforum-header.h-clear {position:relative;top:8px;}
/* Moving the stats feed slightly away from the cell border to have a margin between the wrapper and the cell wall */
.topic-list-container .topic-list .cell-count .posts-count {position:relative;left:6px;}
.topic-list-container .topic-list .cell-count .votes-count {position:relative;left:6px;}
.topic-list-container .topic-list .cell-count .views-count {position:relative;left:6px;}
/* Adjusting the column headers */
.topic-list-container .topic-list-header .header-lastpost {padding-left:6px;}
.topic-list-container .topic-list-header .header-stats {padding-left:6px;}
/* Add the columns on the topics page */
.topic-list-container .topic-list .cell-inlinemod-item {border-style:none dotted dotted dotted;border-width:1px}
.cell-topic {border-style:none none dotted dotted;border-width:1px}
.cell-lastpost {border-style:none none dotted dotted;border-width:1px}
.cell-icons {border-bottom-style:dotted;border-width:1px}
.cell-count {border-style:none none dotted dotted;border-width:1px}
/* In the topics feed for posts, there is an inherited border style that looks out of place */
.topic-list-container.conversation-list .topic-list .cell-count .posts-count {border-style:none}
Through no experience of CSS I have managed get the classic vBulletin borders back on the listing pages. It looks so much clearer and easy to distinguish than the standard skin, why they decided to not have them in I wouldn't know. I even bought a crappy skin just because it had the borders on, but it looks even worse than the modified default skin so that was a waste of $20.
Any help is much appreciated!
have you tried :
border-color:red; ? or whatever colour you want ?
The subforums re a PIA, I wanted to change the icons for them as well as the main icons, but no-one seems to know how to do that either, so adding borders will be in the same boat I suspect.