Originally Posted by RichieBoy67
Very true. I have not had any issues with it either and have had it on sites for years. I see so many emails though from Tapatalk I often ignore them and just check the site every so often for an update.
I would love to use the paid version but I just cannot see spending another monthly fee on it right now.
One thing I have never figured out though is how to get sites listed higher up with in their search engine. One of my sites has had Tapatalk since it came out and it is still not very high up. I think maybe the premium users get listed higher.
Good warning though..I would not have updated this quickly had I not read this thread.
And Richie that is also a problem, a lot of people don't actually check their emails like you just said, you ignore them and some even use emails that they don't even have active anymore and these important updates go unnoticed quite often.
I don't use the paid version and I don't see a need to either. I didn't even know there was a list within their search of the sites ! lol ...Most of the traffic now that comes to my forums is through tapatalk and I easily have over 200-300 posts per day on my forums. They just love tapatalk because they can stay updated and post where ever they go.
And yes good warning, I actually checked to see if the file version had changed and it was still the same so im good to go.....