OK - so for Google charts, we are a bit stuck because ideally we would have 4 {param}'s available. As it stands now, we have two:
So I've set option = google charts "oid", and param = google charts chart number. I've hard coded the width to 800 and height to 600, and let users know they need to size their published charts to this size. Shy of installing a mod allowing multiple {param}'s, this is where we are. But it works well.
Title: Google Chart
BB Code Tag Name: BB Code Tag Name
<iframe height=600 width=800 src="http://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/{param}/gviz/chartiframe?oid={option}" seamless frameborder=0 scrolling=no></iframe>
Embed a Google Spreadsheet Chart. The chart will render at 800x600, so be sure to size your chart accordingly at Google Docs/Drive/Charts. This one is a bit tricky to use... The 'oid' of the link needs to be the option (i.e. [gc=oid_number]) and the chart number the parameter. It is just the way google charts does it.
Use {option}: yes
Button Image (Optional): -- create an image if you desire --
Remove Tag If Empty: yes
All other Disable options: yes
Feel free to clean it up more, but that gets it going at least.