Well that was something I overlooked, the apostraphe is invalid. Any suggestions on how to work the apostraphe? Can these be masked out or something? Thanks in advance, if all else fails I can edit members user names and make a note when registering not to use ' in the user name. Currently out of about 450, only 14 member names have the invalid charachter.
[edit] I figured out how to strip the apostraphe using the str_replace, but now I seem to get the apostraphe stripped and it only uses the first part of the user name, ie. Mike's Dad is Mikes. Here is my chat.php
PHP Code:
$chatusername=str_replace(" ","_",$bbuserinfo[username]);
I am using the the Sylverdale forumchat template with the chatusername replacements. Yes I am learning on the fly.