Originally Posted by final kaoss
This is the point that keeps being overlooked and there's your proof right there.
Yes that is what happen and the lock stays very short time, but like i said many changes after each lock happens.
You will just have to try installing DB's plugin on popular forum communities to find out.
Originally Posted by final kaoss
Why don't you try another product that locks tables and see how long it takes, chances are it's going to take just as long. And in that case, there's your proof that it's not just DBTech's mods that are giving you issues but it's your very own server.
These mods i have, it says it contain DB changes, i never see any locks or that it takes that long, mere seconds to install ( I can keep going with the list of mods i have installed = no issues )
The issue with DB's plugin is that it affects and alter profiles, thousand of members. Few small alters is nothing compare to thousands and millions.